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From May to June 2004 an examination and graphic survey was conducted to record the technology and condition of the mural paintings of the Rosario Chapel dome.  As part of the documentation process the chapel was photographed and digitally montaged. Measured CAD drawings were developed from these rectified images in order to document and digitize the information recorded from the walls and the ceiling. The condition survey was then prepared using a glossary developed to establish a descriptive terminology of the conditions and building / painting campaigns. This glossary corresponds to the on-site survey and its digitized format.  Painting campaigns were also identified in situ and dated through the use of archival documentation and historic photographs that described the church and it’s interior.  The condition survey of the mural paintings led to the development of an emergency conservation / stabilization treatment for the areas at immanent risk of collapse.  

A view of the ceiling in the Rosario Chapel shows the severe condition of the historic ceiling paint.

TUMA Funding